I thought Francine had the face of a goat, but rocked a great anorexic body. The voice comes natural, she's from Long Island, I think. But she went through Taz's school and never hesitated doing anything that would've been asked of a man. Moolah was nothing to look at, but she was a tough ol' broad. I gotta respect that.

For the most part, the "Divas" are worthless, beginning with that Sable cunt. Had no business being in the ring. Valets and workers are not the same. Beth Pheonix and that Neidhart girl are great workers, but the rest are eye candy that don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch. I like the TNA women's group tho. They're all pretty talented.

I think I've seen the Mickey James nudes. She certainly needs a bare bottomed spanking. She's probably one of the top 10 ever as far as the ladies go.

Speaking of Miss McGillicutty, here is her match with Bill Alfonso. Alfonso said it was pretty much a shoot in the Beulah wasn't pulling any punches. Very bloody affair.

I'm enjoying the CM Punk thing right now. It's gone in some really unexpected directions...which is kind of fun for a change. Miz and Killings fired? Where'd that come from? Miz is the hottest heel going at the moment and Killings is a freshly minted heel. How do you book that? And I'll be tuned in to see how.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE