Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Ok, Mr. Florida wrasslin, what was the deal with Eddie Graham shooting himself? I think it was Billy Jack that blamed it on Dusty, killing the territory by moving on and taking all the talent with him. What say you?

From Florida Championship Wrestling

Brody shoots on Luger.
Lex was a rookie, 8 months in the business, when they brought Brody in to put him over in a cage match. Luger, dumb as a rock as he is, had no clue who Brody was and treated him as enhancement talent, telling the 15 year vet how he wanted the match to go. Brody yessed him to death, then went into the cage and did what he wanted. Flexy Lexy got scared and high tailed it out of there.

Luger may have gotten further with the weakest skill set ever. He couldn't work, he couldn't talk, he had no brain for the business. He was juiced up and Sting's friend, no other redeeming qualities. If it wasn't for Paul Roma, he'd be the weakest Horseman ever.

I've never seen that. At 5:00 when Brody stops selling, Lugar's body language is priceless. He knows something's wrong, but he doesn't know exactly what. At around 7:00, the gravity of the situation is starting to become clear. So Lex bitches to the ref. Priceless. Useless juiced up douchebag. Especially funny that the crowd turned against Lugar and cheered an obviously heel Brody.

Don't no much about Eddie Graham shooting himself. I understand he was really respected in the area, donating big bucks to charities. Probably had depression and hid it well. It happens. Billy Jack blames everything on Dusty.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE