Is Jeff a fool? Why wouldn't he take it out of Brandon's residual check??

You want me to call JM Productions and make sure Jeff doesn't foot the bill? I still have the number some where from when dickjay posted it. If Jeff can't be reached there, do I need to text Malice for a number he can be reached at? Does Brandon have to go burn the disc himself? Does he have to sketch the cover art?

Just relax my brutha. Its not about Brandon now. It is about Moron Boy. You wanna chance he bangs an actual broad and knocks her up? I wouldn't wanna be responsible for that. We are all better off with him receiving the DVD, by any means necessary, so he can go about depositing a sock full of lil Moron Boys in the hamper.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral