Originally Posted By: frankie figgs
he has like some kind of reverse or displaced survivors guilt placed on me cuz some dickheads killed an acquaintance of his.like sorry dickhead for trying to live my life.i dont think my life should be taken away cuz some loser from hs has some kind of gay crush on me.he calls himself "fate" yet his dad can take away his truck and kick him out of the house at a seconds notice.if hes really all powerful why doesnt he kill the guys that killed danny or go get them arrested?

Figgs, I have to ask: How often does this happen to you? How many times a year you get blamed for someone's death? Four? Five? And how many of them have gay crushes on you? More importantly, why aren't you working your porn magic on them, if this is such a recurring problem?

Any insight you could provide would be helpful. Thanks.