This is exactly why clear, concise, defined obscenity standards are needed in porn. Without them, it's a grey area, and anyone on the edge can be convicted of obscenity-related crimes. The joke is that society's standards universally go in one direction: progressive and tolerant. In the 1960s, television would not show Elvis swinging his hips because they thought it was obscene. A quarter century later Dirty Dancing brought dry-humping to a new level. What are the odds that in another 25 years, people will wonder why the government imprisoned Max?

I never said Max was a hero. No one has to. You just have to believe that unpopular speech is protected speech.

America is strange. It will sends hundreds of thousands of troops to Afghanistan so that little girls can go to school and not be forced to wear burkas. Then, once they turn 18, immigrate to Los Angeles, and choose to do porn....well, someone is going to go to prison if We don't like what's made. Just bring back the Hays Code already and pretend you live in the Land of the Free.

This pic is from that noble fight in Fallujah but I'm sure it applies to Kabul or Tripoli, too. Keep giving medals to people for dropping bombs. Don't even question if the right people are going to jail. Stay distracted.

Father_holding_daughter_in_Fallujah.jpg (758 downloads)