BORNYO ADVISORY: YouTube Links with descriptions so you won't miss much by not clicking.

<<A video of the entrance path to the park containing the Pyramid.>>

Technically, it's illegal to have a souvenir stand in the park. But, it's Mexico. Where laws are tools made to better glean graft.

btw, much of that stuff is actually made in China.

[Upon review, Jigaloo might find this clip interesting for all the wrong reasons.]

<<Diving in the Mayan sacred sinkhole.>>

A better illustration than the pic on the setting and practice of tourists swimming in the ancient waterhole.

<<Mayan clog dancing with beer bottles on heads.>>

On the way home, we stopped off for what was billed as a traditional Mayan meal. It seems that Mayas ate overcooked and undercooked foods buffet style. Traditional Mayan fare includes chicken florentine, french fries and spaghetti.

Anyway, after witnessing this traditional waiting-for-people-to-clear-the-buffet dance, I surmised that the reason the Mayan culture failed was that the men decided it was degrading to wear ugly clog sandals and they realized bottles of alcohol were a food/drink and not a fashion accessory.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink