Surely could have. But, I don't like posts with text and pics where there are more than one pic in the post. Plus, if my browser dies I'd have to do the whole thing over.

So, I elected my preference.

In the "old" system, I would have uploaded one pic per posting partially because that's how it was set up. In fact, there were many times I would just load all the pics in the first post by editing it. So there would be the "magic" of many pics posted with only one attachment noted.

But, now if you remove a pic from your post and replace it with another, the first one is gone. But, I find it's easier to post them all at once in this "file manager" method. Once I got the hang of the file names it likes, that is ...

Interestingly, this new method doesn't seem to like brackets or equal signs in file names. I don't remember that mattering before. IIRC, I think the old system just uploaded the pic and assigned it's own name/number. This one seems to preface the name with a generated number but then append the user given file name to it. And, bracket and equal signs in existing file names confuse the HTML. Or, something ...
Amo i Gemelli!! wink