Oh dear lord. Now he using misspellings to cling onto the idea that he has some kind of point...


Sarkozy is in charge of Britain now?

No, but France and the UK are allies in this mission... With this hint, you should be able to fill in some of the rest on your own...

The thing is, a lot of the shit in the corporate parrot-stream media they've got plastered everywhere just doesn't make sense. Gaddafi must go! (but we will NOT be sending in groumd troops...) Gaddaffi should accept exile! (and we WILL send him to the Hague...) The governmemts are using the media to release propaganda in hopes to put pressure on the other side and most media isn't bothering to look into how much the statements make sense.

David Brooks seems to have figured it out best: Click

Basically, Obama's doing a head fake to see if Gaddafi's regime is made of glass. If it isn't, Obama figures Libya is no worse off than if Gaddafi had done his Benghazi slaughter?

But, Brooks leaves out the other part of the down side. The whole reason a No-Fly zone under Iraq wasn't acceptable any more was Saddam was still down there supporting terrorism against Americans. This has nothing to do with conventional warfare. A no-fly zone doesn't touch it. If the Libya effort fails, maybe Libya is no worse off, but the USA gotta new villian over there colluding with our terrorist enemies.

Our best hope is that Gaddafi actually gives a damn about the Libyan people, realizes his ruling isn't good for them any more, and steps down himself. But, from the few things I know about him, he's never done anything in the past to indicate he would do something like that.