1001 Classic Commercials
3 DVD set
16 Hours of video
Mill Creek Entertainment
I bought it at a Cracker Barrel for $6.00

This was a great bargain, and so damn interesting. There's everything in here, cars, cars, and more cars, beer, kitchen stuff, cigarettes, a ton of drive-in movie ads (let's all go to the lobby), and several sections of 10+ minute length selling particular items or talking about a topic - like a 1954 piece on the effects of tobacco on the human body. They did some really evil things to rabbits and mice.

These span from before the beginning of time (before me or even BDM were even a gleam in our daddies' eyes) to about the mid-70's. Enjoy the sample.



Lots of celebrities.

Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Marching cigarettes were a theme.

Buy those victory bonds!

If you see this, it's well worth the 6 bucks.

505302-vbonds.jpg (5 downloads)

Fuck 'em all but nine.