it's excellent that last time aids broke out and naturally things like aim and whether an ex-junkie with a non-competitive degree could use serious supplementation at the reins. fake tests still pass, performers are in and out of the country and known talent pool, testing could be done more frequently and attention paid to working abroad's inherent dangers to the native species of whore. etc. etc.

maybe it's time to realize you're getting preventable diseases, aids is a choice.

retrovirae are forever-they're content with changing your actual genetic code so that they're able to make use of your rna to make random shit. drugs seem to work and you tend to die in a handful of fashions. but it's still sending out directions to code shit you weren't supposed to ever do. forever.

preventable, your fault for getting it-straight caucasian men never were hit by the epidemic they were supposed to years ago. street junkies, whores, african-americans and homosexuals still are the ones that can't get their heads around the fact that it's total cake not to get the fucking hiv.

anyhow, be upset at the disease entering your sphere or potential transmittors when it's easy not to get aids. there's no escaping the fact that it's a retroactive process, it's been in ciculation for a bit of time and you're at the mercy of it showing up in testing for the meantime should you want to work.

i'd figure shit out a bit better

otherwise, it's god's will that you and your industry be at the mercy of novartis and lucky rolls of health. you deserve to be ed harris in "the hours"-popping pills while entropy does it's thing until it's wise to defenestrate yourself onto a city block.
"She has no waist, no interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits