
who has been banned? was that mopez?

Gia is going to have a lot more stalker issues because of this pic. if she was willing to date that sickly looking nerd, everybody will think they have a chance.

the only thing that would make Gia's geek stand out from the others at gen-con is those Marty Feldman-looking googly eyes. and what's with the long hair? is he trying to compensate for the fact that he has a higher forehead than John Malkovich? he deserves props for being able to hold Gia up long enough to pose for a pic. looks like he'd have trouble curling 30 lbs.

Marty Feldman reference. Big points for obscurity.

Maybe they were just friends.

Maybe he was in Saigon Kick.

I personally think he's Cliff Burton.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE