Well someone has to step into the minefield so i might as well do it myself

I've never understood some of racially charged comments on here or any other forum for that matter

I think there is something that many of us can accept is that being a porn star is not exactly the easiest proffesion in the world. I imagine that contrary to comon perception that it's like any other business enviroment where people develop either stong likes or dislikes about the people they work/for. Their job is basically to provide fantast material for the rest of us, what is made "glamorous" i strongly suspect isn't glamorous at all. Adult workers still have to get and get to work much like the rest of us with the end result istead of pushing papers and workig on PC's one is faced with the fact that ones ass, hand, face, tounge, finger, cock etc etc is going to be in intimate contact with somone else's, or mulitple else's

And with any other profession one's reputation in this particular business is based upon how one persons doing all that. That largely means attitude, and for women, minorities and those in homosexual films, im guessing it's even harder.

My question is that at least to my eyes pornography is a liberal ideology, based upon free speech and the concept of consenting adults. And yet here surprisingly at what is a forum to the discussion of that. A good portion of the people who support the idea of pornography because of those ideals at the same time are often using the ideologies of the political right when it comes to those same minorities when they say they have issues. And that is what i find odd.

To my mind one is either all in or all out, you don't really get to have the cake and eat it too. You either accept the freedom of speech especially when it comes to pornography and understand that the people who work in that business may have legitimate issues.

To attempt that simply plays into the hand of the political right, who would dearly love to limit what we can say, do or watch.