
Some skepticism? Her fifteen minutes are down to 00:30 and counting. Now Miss Norway, who I never heard of before this, is in the international press twice.

I have a little sympathy for her than this. Nothing in either press story implies to me she's arranged this as publicity. The second article says there have been "several" Muslim honor killings in Scandanavia, including in Norway. Also, some of the tone of her quotes in that article may be due more to translation than intent.

Saying "The movies are the worst thing that could have happened to me" may not be the more porn-positive thing or realistic thing to say - she might have never left Iran in the first place for example - but you can see why she might say that given the mess (of her own making) she's in today.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock