
Redgoat to the rescue [?]

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Wow. You get dumber everyday. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Many HIV positive couples have children, healthy, well-adjusted children, without issue. Who the hell are you to tell people who should or should not procreate? Are you God? A doctor? Are you someone even mildly informed on the subject? Or are you just a judgmental, ill-informed idiot with no life?
I can think of 1000 reasons people should not have children, but HIV necessarily isn’t one of them.
Does Mrs. Stagliano not deserve to be a mother because she had the extreme misfortune of contracting HIV? Should people who have cancer, herpes, HPV, congenital heart disease, obesity, hypertension, and any other life-threatening, hereditary, or sexually transmitted disease also not have children? What about the drug addicts and people with mental illness or incapacity who have children everyday? Are you going to admonish them too? Or are you just reserving your ignorant judgment for the Staglianos? Have you heard anything about their child being unhealthy or unbalanced? WHO ARE YOU?? I don’t understand you. You must live in the biggest glass house on the planet. Do some research before you publish this pointless drivel. You act like you live with them in their daily lives. And Jesse, Sandra, Janine, Jenna, etc. Know-it-all. While it’s ok to have an opinion, you act like you actually know these people. Just stop already, “Darrah”. Your skewed viewpoint is harmful and hurtful.

Alison Hart:

What right do you have to pass judgment on Karen Stagliano? She is a woman you don’t know and will never meet, and yet you think you have the right to tell her that she is not fit to have a child.

As you mention, Karen is on antiretroviral drugs. There is only a 2% chance that she could pass the disease on to her child (via the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/perinatal) and I’m guessing that since their daughter is 9 years old and they haven’t had any babies in the meantime that they were using some kind of contraception and it failed. The method you mention – condoms – have a failure rate of 8-10%.

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing things like this about people whose lives you don’t know the first thing about. Karen Stagliano – and everyone else who works in the adult industry – is a person. A person who has feelings and has never done anything to you – certainly nothing that justifies spewing this kind of hate at her and her family. Try to keep that in mind the next time you decide to write a nasty editorial without doing basic research or knowing anything about the situation you have such a strong opinion about.


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