


Please remove my content from this site. DMCA. MDMA. PDA. Ole! Cease and desist. I insist.

Fuck you and your content steroids midget. And your cock looks like Michael Ironside's face at the end of scanners.

On behalf of midgets everywhere, I am going to be the bigger man here and let your affront slide. I am also going to start taking Growth Hormone so I can kick your ass in 2-3 years.

I am again asking the owners of this board to remove my content. JM Productions is the exclusive distributor of my product and I will not allow it to be posted here unlawfully. DMCA. MDMA. PDA. Ole.

You could keep pumping steroids until your arms are the size of greg valentino's and it won't mean shit. you probably shoot up synthol and cum cocktails. Danzig benches 500 lbs and studied taekwondo for years and he got knocked out with one punch by a fat sack of shit. a ripped flea is still a flea. a 150 lb first year bjj student could probably snap you in half faggot. Stick to slapping around whores, it's the only ass you'll ever kick.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.