Friday, February 05, 2010

from me with luv
Current mood: blessed

So, this is the deal....Jeremy and I started filming my new Vivid movie Tuesday....we were ready, focused and detemend to do our best. We NEEDED to....our livelyhood depended on the movie...which is the reason my lawyer up in Or. fought so hard to get it approved. The movie was given the green light....we talked bout bringing our personal bedroom life out to the public and we were nervous and sceptical to say the least but we knew it was going to be a long, cold, winter without funds coming in. So we gave it out best shot....problem was our best just wasn't good enough. I pulled the plug bout a 1/2 hour after our b/g scene was completed. I was notified by the director it just was not up to parr. So, to me, that was my que to packup and exit....hand in hand with my husband. No hard feelings....shit happens. We're now onto plan "B" which consists of being flat broke, surrendering our car, and selling our furniture.

I head out tomorrow for Portland where I will be spending upto 4 months at an all womans halfway house for "violating my probation". Jeremy will be selling the stuff here and on ebay then heading off to Lancaster to be near his kids. When I am released I will meet up with him there. We're both on "a mission" of sorts....something totally outta the box. I'm excited.....everything is a mystery just the way I like it. My mom works about 10 blocks away from the halfway house so I'll be well taken care of.

As far as "the porn world" and will I return....I really don't know. I hope not, because if I do that means I'm too chicken-shit to do anything else. Let's just wait and see.

I'll talk to you guys as soon as I'm allowed internet access....til then talk to Jeremy. He'll let u know whats going on. I love you guys more then you'll ever realize. Thanks for having my back no matter what!

xoxoxo Lady J.