

You people disgust me... There's no getting beyond this.

too far, Lou. that's the kind of photo you order 10,000 copies of and then never pick them up. and you do this every day until the handcuffs go on and you're no longer physically able.

so let's say its 2am and you find yourself in some rathole like denny's, trying to put something down to soak up all the booze. then umbilical Amy walks in naked with fetus demanding a table for two, looking like she just stepped out of that photo. the place explodes but you gotta focus because this is war and you're halfway through the denver omelette. do you try to keep shoveling, or just for-GET it?

i would try to power through just to be able to say i did, but i probably wouldn't be able to keep it down for love or money. i know if i was producing the show fear factor this is the direction i might've tried taking things.

I'd leap outta my booth and slam my Moons Over My Hammy®
into her freshly breached slop hole to stop the bleeding and then pick up the Please Wait To Be Seated sign by the top and 360 the weighted base across her skull and put her into a Dr Lou style induced coma. In the time it takes her to bounce twice I have 911 on the cell and have blamed the cook..Jack Hate, for the simple assault.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn