I have like four weeks of time off coming up that I have to use or not get paid for due to my awesomeness. Probably half off it will be used for dodging the old lady and getting wrecked, yes?.

The other half I'd like to spend here in this forum posting absolute shit like panzer does. That's right, it's my intention to make this forum "Tard Central" for the next few months. I'll be amazed if the interwerbs can handle it and I'll be watching Cearas webcam to see when it implodes.

Regardless... You ultra low frequency types, ye of tard lineage, mouthbreathers , ya..you fucknuts, northrup.. etc

Read slowly and often... here's the plan.

Post any and all recent or defunct news story your gloid minds can copy/paste. Nevermind if it was A tard type like you(or if it was even you) that had posted it. Just let your simple minds flow. That's mantra btw.. Let your simple minds flow. THEN.. argue amongst yourselves like you are going to sway someone with your right wristed, calloused views.

i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn