I watched a documentary about crack abuse in the mid 80s in New York. It was enlightening. These crack heads would get high on camera and discuss how they were feeling- then the camera guy would ask them why they kept doing it and one guy said "5 seconds ago I was real tired. Now I have energy. I can walk from here to the moon. That's right. I've been up for 3 days, can you tell? I don't even think about sex. I haven't had sex with a woman in 3 months. I haven't had an erection in 3 months because I'm too busy chasing crack.I don't care about women, I don't care about men. I do it because I hate these people around me and everyone that knows me knows I tried but I'm leaving right now!" then he just stopped and kinda looked away.

Can I discuss this documentary here too, or do I have to make my own thread up?
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.