
Reprinted with permission: Sent to the boss(es)
From Big Steve himself, sent to a mod.

She then made threats and when i wasnt there she broke my window by throwing eggs at it.. I had my neighbor who witnessed it.

Eggs broke his window? What the hell kind of trailer has windows that can be broken by eggs. Jeez, Gomer, if you're going to whine, make it bout something semi- realistic. You mean to tell me that in the Holiest of Holy GI Joe Collection Room of your Fortress of Solitude you have such brittle windows? Oprah, please.

I love this guy. He's made a carrer of scamming pw's, but the second he gets called out on it, he turns into a snivelling little bitch. If Pussyville ever needs a mayor, they need to give this dink a call.

Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE