
You misunderstand me, I'm just asking a question, not busting balls.

Do you get more in compensation from DVD's sold (which I would suspect is a shrinking market) or from VOD minutes sold? I don't know how it works. Sure guys usually don't watch an entire movie on VOD, but aren't there many more of them buying portions of the movie by the minute than the entire movie on DVD?

In other words, why promote specifically buying a DVD (like you wrote) over watching a few minutes on a VOD website, or am I reading too much into what you wrote and that really is what you meant anyway?

I'm just putting the word out there. I think most people in my position need multiple streams of income to get by. VOD, dvd sales (domestic and foreign), broadcast deals, etc. I need to maximize every way to exploit the content.

Mark_J: Thanks. I think you are nitpicking but...thanks. I bet it bugs you, too, the way every scene has a cumshot in it. I mean, there was one in the last scene. Why do they need another one? Why???

No one needs to go to Hot VOD Releases to see what the current leader is. Please do not state which series or volume it is. It's redundant.

Let's face it. The consumer has thousands of videos from which to choose. I'm happy to get the change to compete and will do whatever it takes to continue to do so.