Kelly Shore:

Started out really nice and seemed professional.

Well when I was in LA last week I scheduled a shoot with my friend Lobo from Kink

and he called around of course asking what scenes I am doing for who.

And he messages me the other day telling me I treat him like a second class star

(Because I scheduled Lobo and not him basically, and if you are gonna do my shoot I like to book you earlier than the day before or of! We have talked on other occassions prior to this and he expressed no interest. Just interest in doing other movies for other sites with me.)

First off I have no clue who he was till I got into the industry.

But I am not going to treat him any different as I treat anyone else.

The whole "star" thing annoys me really.

You do porn for christ sakes, its not like you are winning a nobel prize.

Secondly he then goes on to tell me that we will never work together.

(I don't have sex with men who act like little boys anyways)

Which is fine lol its so melodramatic!

He is offended cause I didn't ask him to do my website, and he had days off work.

I didn't ask him to do my website cause I assumed he asks more than 350 for a shoot.

Since he does 300 plus movies a year, I just assumed he was paid on the higher end for male models.

(he should of taken that as a compliment, rather than be offended)

Then his reply to me was rude; "Well thats your stupity for not asking, and I wont be treated second rate."

lol ridiculous I just though I would share this.

I have never once been rude to this man, never once said anything bad about him after what other girls have said.

Christian for being 6'5 etc is the biggest baby I know for a full grown man.

And I hope he reads this! He really needs an attitude check!

Cause I know he does read these forums

I just needed to get that out!



Vicki Richter:

This is a good story Kelly.

Christian did the same thing to me. All this after swallowing my cum on multiple occassions and taking my shemale penis in his rectum.

My story goes like this. I hired Christian for a scene where he is going to get paid $800. He agrees. We agree on a call time, around 9-10am in the morning. The day before the shoot, he calls and tells me that he got booked for a morning shoot for a straight company and now he can't get to my shoot until 1pm or 2pm. I told him that we had agreed upon the morning and I was advised against using a male performer and paying top rate if it is a 2nd scene... Why? Smaller cum shots. They are more tired. Etc etc... I mean that is a lot of money for male talent. So he gets all huffy because I told him I would just get someone else and says if I ever want to hire him again that I would always be his 2nd scene. Obviously, he just burned a bridge. There are plenty of other guys who do shemale porn.

A few months later, someone who Wendy Williams knows named Juan started attacking Christian on the Internet. I thought it was Wendy Williams, but it turned out to only be someone she knows. Still, Christian starts flaming me in TXT message and later talking to directors we both work for about how I am attacking him on the Internet. I never was. I could give a mad fuck about him and his blog.

So I am like fuck that guy. I hooked him up with more than one director when he was gettng started, including the one and only Buddy Wood. I even vouched for him. Seriously he is a back-stabbing asshole. I will never respect him again.

You would think he would have more respect than that.



Christian for being 6'5 etc is the biggest baby I know for a full grown man.

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