
Ain't they sweet?

it's been speculated that she was his walk-in closet but i don't buy it. you could tell there was real magic there. alas, into everyone's life a little rain must fall. think about how your heart would sink if everything you love the world destroys. then think how awful it would be if one of your favorite pastimes was prohibited by the iron fist-boot of state power. now you're getting the picture.

we can only assume that the doomsayers are right: once our society is no longer limited to the traditional man-woman definition of marriage, we will all become clinically insane, and indulge in decadence not seen since the fall of Sodom.

"But then a couple of states passed laws expanding marriage rights. And almost immediately, I started to become aware of some new feelings stirring deep within me. Feelings I wanted to ignore. Feelings I tried to ignore. Feelings I could not ignore." --Anonymous

440479-magic.JPG (8 downloads)