First off if ZZ is copying everything NA does than why not accept the best form of Flattery. All that means to me is if ZZ and NA are putting out the same shit then it's game on to who does better. If Christian is so confident about NA then just let the numbers speak for themselves. Everyone on the NA board keeps saying that ZZs days are numbered. Well didn't NA shut down it's offices? All I know is that it seems that Christian is burning bridges with his ego that he soon won't have any work.

With all the drama at the NA boards maybe we can say that NA is trying to copy XPT. HMMM! XPT is the best cause it's game on here. Freedom of speech is not challanged on this board.

Let me also add that Gia is one of my favorites in the business too. Yum Yum!

Edited by I Is The Maaaannn (08/02/09 05:19 PM)