Is the the first Confirmed instance of XPT making a PW cry?

Its obvious looking at this picture

This air headed little girl thinks that she has achieved a type of celebrity by being a PW. Its the same kind of beaming gaze of accomplishment most people display when they've graduated college,bought their first car, or had a baby. In this girls mind being in the Porn Industry it the end all be all of her existence.

She constantly uses the term "porn star" reassure herself.

I suppose this is one of the results of the celebrity culture of the new millennium and the porn industry plays up on that with these "red carpet events". I think that way back when it was first conceptualized it had to have been some type of self parody.

I can only say that if the impetus that got this girl into the sex industry was lack of skills and like of sex then she probably would have been better off just being a call girl. If making a substantial amount money through sex is the dominate motivator for a sex worker then why don't porn stars ship themselves off to Japan and make some real dough. When its all over they can return and nobody would know the difference. I'm not talking about Japanese Porn but working in the high end "clubs" that cater to Japanese business men in Tokyo. What ever the case there more ways to make a buck by selling your body than the Porn Industry.

Being Famous is different than being Infamous.

"Three Amigos,
Hollywood, California.
You are very great.
One hundred thousand pesos
to come to Santa Poco.
Put on show. Stop.
The infamous El Guapo."

What does that mean?

In-famous is when you're
more than famous.

This man El Guapo is not just famous,
he's in-famous.

A hundred thousand pesos to do
a personal appearance with El Guapo...

who is probably the biggest actor
to ever come out of Mexico.

Wow. The in-famous?


Edited by Nathanial Mayweather (08/12/09 08:11 AM)