
First of all, we have never retired from porn before. The thieves who stole our domain wrote that we did because they were trying to sell more DVDs.

Second, I have 11 DVDs. I've done approximately 56 scenes, most for internet which they don't count on IAFD.

Third, we're making plenty of money now at the Bunny Ranch so no need to senselessly risk our lives now that we know to what lengths they will go to get their scenes.

Porn is a billion dollar business in America and as such, should be regulated like all the other businesses in America. There is nowhere else that an industry can get away with these abuses.

Why don't the politicians do anything in Sacremento?? Because half of them are fucking the illegal escorts from porn. They love having the control over these girls through their illegal system. They protect the abusers because they are part of the abuse!!

You don't want me here, stop putting my name here. As long as you print my name, I'll be around to speak the truth about the abuses in porn valley!!


First off, it was someone else's fault. Not my fault. Never my fault

Second, IAFD, like everyone else, is out to besmirch our good and holy names. Not my fault. Never my fault.

Third. Ellie's making plenty of money for us to pay for our trailer, plus keep mommy in internet access so she can spew her nonsense.

Fourth. We should be able to do whatever we want whenever we want. Until we're unhappy. Then the government should step in and protect us from our own stupid choices. Not my fault. Never my fault.

Fifth. Anything that anybody says about me and money...I mean Eliie is guilty of libel and slander and defamation and pessemism and laundering and every other 3+ syllable words I can come up with to use improperly because it makes me think I sound smart. But I'm going to make a blanket statement, with no proof mind you, about half the politicians in Sacramento. I won't name names, because of course I'm talking out my ass.

Sixth. Notice me notice me notice me notice me. Please, for the love of Carlos Long, notice me!!

End translation.

Desi's nitwittery aside, I think it's intersting that the Industry is scared shitless of government intervention. Until something goes wrong. Then everyone's happy to let the gov stick their greasy fingers right into the pie, so to speak.

The fact is, government intervention wouldn't do shit. This isn't 1980 with John Leslie talking about how not just any guy can be a porn star, or director, or filmmaker or whatever. The reality is that any gomer with a vidcam, internet access, a hacked editing suite and some willing friends can make, edit and distribute porn. And there certainly is no rule that they have to produce it in the valley, under the oversight of AIM, the LA County Health Department, California OSHA or anyone else. And people will buy it. You can't swing a dead crystal addict without hitting some BBW in rural Oklahoma running a website out of her house. It's the Avon of the 21st Century. Honestly, I'm often surprised that "mainstream" porn from California even exists anymore. Why would anyone pay $39 for a DVD from a store starring a bunch of parolees banging a meth addict with daddy issues when for that same $39 they could buy 2 memberships to DIY websites featuring the fetish of their choice? That updates with new content weekly, or even more often. Speaking as a porn addict (30 years in denial), I haven't bought a porn DVD in at least 10 years. Right about the time broadband came out. I guess I can't say that. A couple of years ago a buddy and I went in halfsies on a box of 50 DVDs for $100 from one of the suppliers to my smokeware business and sold them to pervs at work. Ah, good times.

Still waiting for my day,

Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE