A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Jason Andrews. He’s been charged with first-degree murder of 41-year-old Dennis Abrahamsen. They say he should be considered armed and dangerous.

Jason was first arrested on only a retail theft charge days after the murder for charging $409.31 on the victim’s Home Depot card. Even though they had his text messages to Amanda where she says she wanted to have sex after they kill Dennis, the police still released him and now he’s on the run. Now new text messages reveal Jason told Amanda to take her time bashing Dennis’ head in with the sledgehammer.

The police claim they didn’t have the evidence at the time. What more did the authorities need when there are actual text messages of them planning this murder??

Amanda met Dennis at a sex party at his home on May 15. She was also paid to have sex with him. He was found the next day May 16. Jason used Dennis’ Home Depot card on May 17. Both Amanda and Jason were arrested on May 18 for stealing $67.97 worth of clothes from Beall’s in Largo.

They were both questioned by detectives about the murder. But both were released on bail. Amanda went home to her husband and child in Georgia while Jason was released on May 19.

Amanda quickly told the police soon after that Jason murdered Dennis. It doesn’t take that long to get the text messages. They can hold a suspect for days. Why were these two ever released?? Now he’s on the run and could kill again.

While Jason hasn’t checked his Twitter since May 21, he did actually take time from his busy schedule to log into his Myspace eight days ago.