
This means that death is near.

A day closer than it was yesterday, for sure.


Were you a professor of logic and rhetoric before you became too fat to leave the house?

Fail, blackcockobsessed. I write about leaving the house every day.

Unlike you, I admit to my faults. I called myself FatMan. Talked openly about my problems and frustrations. You live in denial.

You keep up your self-hating Jew stuff. It suits you.

But, as you detected, I used to fill in for a professor in college for "Intro to Logic". Argumentum ad hominem. Categorical syllogisms. Modus ponens. Modus tollens. All good stuff.

I only did it 3 separate times in 3 separate years for 2 different profs. I thought intro Prob & Stat much more often [wrote the tests and graded the papers, too]. I taught 3rd semester calculus only once.

I had 9 college credits from SUNY in Logic and Boolean algebra before I even graduated HS, and I used to delight in constructing proofs that were lines shorter than the one's in the answer key they kept in the college library.


Yes, please don't "beat me up" any further

Face it, Jewnose, you can't take the abuse!!!

You are rife with anger at mommy for swallowing protein from uncircumcised black snake while you were in the womb. Their amino acids are part of your being.

Why don't you find a nasty mudshark to console you.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink