
Saw Santa at the OA meeting today. He was down to check on a special order of bootlegged toys made in China he placed for kids that were only kind of good.

Said he was happy to see me posting. Wanted to know why I hadn't put up anything in the status thread. Remembered I was in Weehawken, and wanted to know if I ever came across "some douche" named Big Red.

Let Santa know that Weehawken isn't really near any Jersey slums. He doesn't have a good idea of distance with so few good kids in Jersey and the reindeer going mach 7 and all.

He said something about giving Big Red something of Gia's into BR's xmas stocking that he'd always remember and said Ceara inspired him to it. Flashed this demonic smile, laughed, wished me and the mishpokhe a Happy Thanksgiving, said he might be back down for Seder this spring and went on his way.

EDIT: He'll probably he mad I posted this. OA is suppose to be anonymous.

Weehawken any chance of you being Polish
The Polish skipped Ellis Island and went right to Weehawken then moved onto Wallington. Theres alot of cute ones in that area.
"After all is said and done, more is said than done."