
so you think sex as a job is wrong? What happened to doing whatyou do best and enjoy? If you watch porn how can you look down on call girls...? Sometimes a nperson has no choice. And sometimes women do it because they like it and there is a need and it pays more than porn unless you are a dive porn star. It is only sex...it is how we are created ..i do not understand why some people look down on call girls..It is sex it is not doing something that hurts anyone...tell me why someone like yourself looks down on it ..please

I read an article not too long ago that after years of interviewing thousands of escorts and prostitutes, a group of social workers compiled the largest database of escorts and prostitues.

They stated that the most common reason that women went into and stayed in prostitution (by far) is simple laziness.

They claimed that they weren't more or less stupid, or had any different rates of abuse or drug use than age matched peers who weren't prostitutes, but they were just too lazy to take a more normal path.

Do you agree?

BTW, I think this is probably a part of why people don't respect them. I don't think it has anything to do with the sex (outside of a few puritan types).

--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.