
Thank God L.A. will soon be ridden of TTBoy aka Philip Troy R*****. The douchebag's nickname is a stupid joke on "The Troy Boy." Phil, is that the best you could come up with?

I remember when Stephanie Swift was starting in the porno business, the trade rags were saying TT was going to take her as his girlfriend. Too bad he was such a douchebag, she shut him down in record time. Then there was his supposed "big dick," which is actually a small dick on a short pocho. Girls would work with him because he didn't cause too much internal pain, and he had the "curve" which a few performers liked.

But ultimately, Phil is just a piece of Puerto Rican yellow trash. Moving to Miami just puts him closer to his roots with his shitbag uncle and his faggot cousin Talon Steele. I wonder if he's going to take AIDSbabies Mark Wallice and Darren James with him to Florida? I'm sure they'll all be welcomed graciously by the local chamber of commmerce.

Oh, and by the way, the rumor running around the Valley is that Phil went absolutely ballistic when he heard about this thread (he is barely literate in English) and took a baseball bat to his office...the one he is moving to Miami.

So long, Troy, you latent homo. I hope Den sends you a urine bomb to explode in your new Florida offices.

Phil Troy a douchebag...guilty. Next case.

Nice work Lance.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn