
A "review" that is a near-verbatim edit of the studio's official plot description is not a "review" at all.

I didn't read the "studio's official plot description". Which "studio" are we talking about here?


To say nothing of the irony of you assigning deep significance to a "review" from a reviewer you insult for the quality of his reviews.

I didn't insult the reviewer; I merely mentioned his daily occupation. But thanks for the idea.


And your intentions are clear in every single thing you post, all of which is slanderous and sarcastic in the extreme

To describe all my posts as slanderous and sarcastic, you must have read every single one of them. Nothing else to do than spending all day at a forum, reading posts of one particular poster? I'm flattered, almost!


You may think of yourself and your motivations as mysterious, but you are an open-book misogynist.

I don't think of myself and/or my motivations as mysterious. Where did you get that notion?

In my opinion, the true misogynist is husband Steve, who watches as his wife gets degraded on a weekly/daily basis by a bunch of cum-dumpers. For money, nonetheless.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.