
Chemically enhanced happiness doesn't count. Ask Renfield.

Chemically enhanced? I don't do drugs...as anyone at all who knows me at all, knows well. I barely even drink. Simple fact. In fact, these non-habits, along with my lack of need to get tattooed, pierced up and swear like a sailor are all things that really tend to piss off guys who feel a need to hate porn performers. I'm a squeaky-clean, fit, educated woman who happens to love lots of kinky sex, takes full personal responsibility for that fact and doesn't need to be "forced" into it by a man, because I want it. And that just doesn't fit into the role that some of the more misanthropic and misogynistic porn-junkies feel compelled to assign. I could be their wife, girlfriend or mother, for God's sake...and they can't bear the thought of a woman in their life wanting, needing and enjoying the same sexual kinks they have. That wouldn't be "manly", would it?

Edited by Janet Mason (04/04/09 03:19 PM)
Janet Mason www.janet-exposed.com