
Barry The Pirate has a writing style that tells me he has spent a little (or a lot ) time here. I can't put a finger on it tho'.

I think I've lurked maybe 6 months. My writing style is how I speak. I think it sounds more real that way. I fashion myself a psuedo- intellectual that uses lots of dry humor mixed with a fairly decent vocabulary mixed with a lot of swearing. In reality, it's a coping mechanism because I'm a fat, lazy, balding, self- loathing jerk. I'm an old USENET veteran, so trolls and such are old hat,

Since I finally got my feet wet here, I'll probably post a flurry, then get bored and taper off. Then flurry again. It's a cycle I use on most forums I'm active on.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE