Sorry guys, i live in florida and we had to haul ass out of there a few days ago, i was coming back from my practice with my new all girl pop rock group called the Christina and the kitty kats and as soon as i got home i saw my 7 brothers , sister, grandma and pa, and my mom all out the front with all out stuff packed and ready to go. I didn't even have time to get dressed, i have enclosed a picture of what i was wearing during 400000000 mile winds for 2 days. I think we might need to rethink the band's image and dress sense because i almost lost a nipple during the whole ordeal.

As for the question posted above, its not really a question but marriage is a great thing, if you leave the door shut, her legs shut and your fly zipped, open marriages never work. Ask tommy lee.

XXX OOO Xtina lead vocals.

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis