
I am actually shocked that the massholes got it right and correct this time. History is again made in Massachusetts.

It almost makes you wonder if you should go ahead and feel good about America again. All the labels and bullshit political smoke-screens you see on TV, the people of Massachusetts have shown that's not what really gets out the vote.. Even a state as iconically blue-blooded as Massachusetts can figure out enough to vote against their party when they're driving the country off a cliff. And, it was none to soon. They had just about signed that horrendous health care bill. That the masses in Massachusetts somehow figured it out enough amongst all the confusion thrown at them is awe-inspiring.


Odumba doesn't get it. He said that liberal Massachusetts elected a Repub because of "the same wave of anger" that swept him into office. So, the Massholes elected a Repub because they're angry at Bush - lol. He's fucking DELUSIONAL.

Massachusetts damn well may have saved the Democrats in November. It gave them a massive warning and there's still time for them to steer clear. A month ago nobody thought Scott Brown had a chance. Who knows what's gonna happen 11 months from now?

But, that bit Coke threw up there. That is Obama at the very least mis-speaking. If that's the core of what he's thinking and not just a bullshit slogan like "Change you can believe in!" to rally the masses, this Obama guy is 10 times worse than I was already thinking.

That said, I don't think the Democrats in Washington will change direction. Their heads work the way they work. A slap in the face in Massachusetts won't change that. They've still got a huge advantage in Congress which is plenty of ammunition to stroke their own egos with. It's not just a question of what Obama is really thinking. Congress pulls the president one way or another hard. Just ask Bill about '94.