
This video puts the photo into its proper context. He was not checking out the girl, but instead helping a woman behind him down the steps.

Even in that video, it still looks like he's checking her out. Just with usual Obama style, he's more smooth with it than Sarkovy. That ass looks good on tiny little internet films. In real life, where you could smell her perfume and get a sense for how that dress moved around on that ass..


stfu you adt douche bag. if I was worried about "shame" I wouldn't be posting here. go pirate some ir vids you fucking criminal.

Good lord, k1ng. Did you forget to take your meds today?

Coke Stevenson:

Obama just told African leaders that no business wants to be in a place where the gov't skims 20% off the top. What a fucking idiot. What the does he think taxes are?

There's massive corruption in African politics. He was probably talking about that 20% being spent on themselves rather than on government works.