
Then bring on the rhetoric.

It's not like the Cold War where the US and Soviets thought they were vying for the hearts and minds of international players. You lay on the rhetoric in the Middle East and even the moderate sand-niggers are going to resent it.

That's when I finally turned on Bush. When Hamas won that, fairly run, election, and Bush didn't even blink an eye. Just turned on the rhetoric, yanked the welfare they were depedent on, and then kept his mouth shut as Israel bombed the fuck out of Lebanon. And, was probably secretly thinking, that'll learn them damn Hamas! I knew there was going to be a war as soon as Bush started in with the wild west Cowboy talk on Hamas.

Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot. But, the Middle East ain't like that. The Soviet leaders didn't have all kinds of religious delusions that made them think they're supposed to stand or die for certain ideas.