
Without a statement of support for the protesters from the US, the movement will die a quick death. The Iranians want the type of democracy we gifted to Iraq at a great sacrifice to ourselves. In Iran's case, no sacrifice is necessary. The whole thing just fell into Obama's lap, but he's too stupid and too much of a coward to take advantage of it. He doesn't understand that the current Iranian government won't be moved by his "charisma" (lol). He thinks he's so smart that he'll be able to just talk them into giving up nukes and bending to his will. He's naive, deluded and believes his own press.

Actually, by showing restraint and allowing the Iranians to resolve this internally, he is respecting their sovereignty. Coming out with a strong statement before this is allowed to play itself out would be foolhardy and Obama knows this. He is a consummate planner - almost never makes a move without fully plotting the consequences.

Furthermore, it is not our place to push "democracy" onto other nations. We can only set examples, plant ideas, and then hope other countries will at least adopt some basic principles.