

Today Odumba used affirmative action to nominate a spic (Sonia Sotomayor) for the Supreme Court. Her decisions have been overturned as unlawful 80% of the time they have been reviewed.

Higher courts don't review decisions unless there's something some members of the appellate court want to change.

That "spic" was appointed to the judiciary by a Republican.

I think you need some time off to find a new spiel. This schtick has worn out its welcome.

Hi Hick,

You didn't think I'd be able to reply, did ya? Doh!

Sotamayor was also an affirmative action pick when she was first appointed by George H. W. Bush. No one could have known for sure at that point that she was a reverse racist who would routinely disregard the law to go with what feels right to her as a liberal. One of her decisions (that was later overturned) had to do with white firefighters discriminated against because their dept was trying to fill quotas. Her decision didn't even address the law or the white firefighters constitutional rights. She decided against them "just because". She also said latina women make better judges than white males because of the "richness of their experience". Sorry, doesn't the constitution look the same on the written page to anyone who reads it?

And the Supreme Court revists Appellate Court decisions when they accept a case that has been appealed to that level by one of the parties. Fucking moron.

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