
Quite the opposite, my friend. The Reagan revolution would have never been possible without the influx of immigrants from places like Eastern Europe and Cuba. Those people had experienced socialist "progressive" ideas in practice and were, therefore, naturally drawn to the political philosophy based on ideas such as individual responsibility and capitalism. On the other hand, the baby boomer generation, largely consisting of "pure" Americans of Anglo or German ethnic background along with some Italians and other western European ethnicities was completely in love with communism, resulting in such wonders as Jimmy Carter and George McGovern.

Don't believe me? Look at all those old farts controlling liberal institutions like the Democratic party or departments of gender studies and humanities in general at the collages and universities. You won't find any immigrants among them.

I was going back much further than Reagan. American culture was devastated when its newspapers began being owned by "progressive" Jewish gold traders from Europe with names like Sulzberger and Pulitzer. Jewish immigrant labor leaders like Samuel Gompers built massive organizations that became havens for all manner of communists and socialist scum for decades. Jewish immigrant radical writers like Emma Goldman were all about seducing our idiot college kids with romanticized interpretations of communism. And let's not forget that Italians and Jews introduced organized crime to American cities. All of this was new to America at the turn of the last century. Who knows what later problems could have been avoided with by keeping earlier immigration policies in place (which favored the types of people already here - English, Scottish, Dutch, German etc).

I get what you're saying about individual new immigrants not controlling liberal institutions. But unfortunately the latino/pro-illegal lobby (like La Raza, etc) is very influential because of their out of control numbers.
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