
We are currently living with the results of Trickle-Down economics (AKA Reaganomics, read a book) which is exactly the drivel that you are spewing now. It Doesn't Work!
How many decades do have we follow a FAILED policy before morons like you get tired of beating their heads against a wall?

Reaganomics caused all this? Yeah, that's the ticket! It would be great if we could actually try it for a while.

Google a few things for me:

-Barney Frank
-PC Democrats force banks to give "diversity loans" to people who can't pay them back
-Franklin Raines
-Democrats block Fannie Mae reform
-Obama thinks borrowing to spend on green energy, healthcare and education is somehow related to stopping the market from plunging
-stock market loses 32% in Obama's first 50 days
-Obama, greatest destroyer of wealth
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