
Lowering taxes (income & capital gains) for the highest brackets always increases spending/innovation/investing/job creation/ETC. This ultimately leads to more revenue in the gov's coffers. Libtards mock this as a fiction even when irrefutabe empirical data is put in front of them. They'd rather have the government take in less in order to tax the rich more because of CLASS ENVY. CLASS WARFARE is red meat for them. They are blinded by a misguided desire to bring the successful down a few pegs in order to "level things out" a bit.

Obama(especially) and most libs also fail to grasp this because of their simplistic belief that the economy os a zero-sum game. In truth, NEW WEALTH IS CREATED and the PIE GETS BIGGER whenever producers are encouraged to produce more.

Yes, because we've all seen how well Trickle-Down economics has worked out haven't we? We're living the dream!
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!