
I'll reply today

Damn, I was half thinking I should just let monkey continue to try to sweet talk vestiges of humanity out of this guy's conscience. Hind sight is 20/20. All monkey got was a bunch of PR drivel and I was thinking if you screw the bolt a little tighter. Guess not.

Duke (who is no doubt now avoiding this thread like she's the slutty fat chick at the party), i'd try add in to your argument pool that you're submitting yourself to the same videos the girls you abuse are. A common first impression is probably that since you guys are topping and she's bottoming, it's more humiliating for her. But, as I am sure you are aware, people could be a lot more critical of your role than monkey was. There are repurcussions for your state of mind too. Maybe that argument is a little too much for your ego to handle?

Yes, you give the girl every opportunity to use her common sense and get the hell out of there and that is something. But, a lot of these girls are in porn because they don't have the common sense to hold down a steady job and spend all their money like it's water. Just giving them an opportunity to display their lack of common sense, I don't buy it.