GOLD!!! Thanks Perv. I wonder if he realizes that "The Man Who Sold The World" is actually an old David Bowie Tune. Probably Not.

Skurt's been strangely quiet since his assault on Gram. My letter ran on LIB, Adult FYI and RogReviews, plus here and ADT. And I haven't heard word one from him. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I was at least expecting an ALL CAPS tirade on my MySpace. But Nothing. All I got was a couple of half-assed replies from Brian Scott, and the best he could do was call me "Raoul Puke" in one of them. Wasn't worth a response. So Mr. Fitzgerald thinks he's Brendan Behan, does he? Too Funny.
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST