
This brings us full circle on the steps. I hope you have enjoyed hearing about our little Ohio AA Group. It is a bit different, but aren't they all? There are many different kinds of meetings, speaker meetings where one AA tells their story, discussion meetings where a topic, or topics, are discussed, step meetings like mine, beginner's meetings. Big and small meetings, meetings with all types of people. Men's and Women's meetings, gay meetings. If you want to stay sober, it is important that you look around until you find a Home Group, in addition to going to a variety of meetings.

I am a step head. I think the steps are the heart of the program, this is what worked for me. Ultimately, all us AA's can do is share our own experience, I hope that's what I've done.

Let me close by saying if you are enjoying what you are doing, more power to you. That's what life is all about. We do not crusade. But if you want to quit and can't, give us a fair chance. Find a Home Group, a sponsor, and work these steps. And keep this knowledge, it might come in handy in 10 years, 1000 miles from where we are now, for yourself, or someone close to you.

I'll keep looking here and reply if appropriate, or if I hear any more good jokes. Thanks for letting me share.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

It sounds like the program has done a lot of good for you. I was recently put in the awkward position of having two people I know get into an ugly argument about 12 step programs in general and AA in particular, so I have been reading your posts with interest (but I admit I haven't read them all).

Do you ever discuss the other programs(mostly in Europe) that advocate teaching alcoholics to learn how to drink socially?

--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.