When I hosted the poker game, I showed some of them the Ashley Blue Gag Factor 15 scene, where she plays a soldier being throat fucked by a bunch of Arabs. It was met with lukewarm response. Next time, I'll put an Overstuffed on a loop, unless they insist on watching a ball game.

Tommy was a self-described pervert, but he was gay and died. Bill, but he's 60. Shit, I can't think of anyone to send here.

There used to be some seriously nice women, but now just older ones, unless a visitor shows up.

I remember Lou trying to convince me to drink one night. Ha!

Know how I sponsor people? They call, I listen for 5 minutes, then I roll the dice and whatever comes up on them, I tell him to work that step on his problem. They think I'm a fuckin' guru.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

Fuck 'em all but nine.