

Just hope you dont get a chick who goes PSYCHO or ODs on ya....

Great points as usual. Your last line raised an interesting question, "what do you do if the whore OD's?" Is it as simple as 911 or will they arrest your ass once they find out what you were doing there? Do you call a fixer/cleaner - Harvey Keitel? Do you drive her to emergency and drop her off? Put a fansign in her hand and take photos for posterity? Perhaps these are questions for another thread and day but a consensus on a standard procedure might be helpful for the class.

You do what Pinto did with Mayor DePasto's daughter. Put her in a shopping cart, ring the doorbell, leave her on the doorstep and run.
It was a wonderful community with some very enjoyable members. But the vast majority were like German housewives circa 1943 prenteding that horrib;le smell wafting through their open windowsd was just the neighbors having a cookout..--Windsock