
I'm way too consistent to be Joran. Never been to Aruba and my dad didn't work in the judicial system.

I take it you heard he was in Thailand last month? Involved in human trafficking for European prostitution market. Sick fuck.

Yes, and the whole bit where he made up the wholly implausible story about selling Natalee Holloway into sex slavery. Sure, you're going to kidnap some fairly average looking American chick whose face is going to blasted across every corner of the globe by the US media after her disappearance is realised, ergo making her the proverbial hot potato, rather than say trick a whole bunch of catwalk quality Russian chicks into sex slavery who will all travel to the destination legally with their own passports in hope of some wonderful, non-existent job...that makes sense to me!

I tend to believe the version he came out with when he was stoned...they say 'In Vino, Veritas' -In Wine, The Truth- so I figure that's got to apply to the chronic somehow as well.