


plenty of production houseswont use you if youre not agency represented

Were those Los Angeles companies? It might be because you're out of town and they need you agency repped to ensure your reliability.

Yeah if they were LA Co's then I could understand....no one wants to pay kill fees for "flakes".

But the company who rejected you should be able to refer you to an actual known and reputable agency that they deal with regularly.

i never saw the rest of this thread
yes an agent told me that
not an agent that represents me lol
noonerepresents me lol
it was an agent not well spoken of on here
and it was said to reinforce the idea that i should sign a very wierdly worded contract that gave me heebie jeebies so i stopped emailing with them
but thats good to know
cause im a total non flake, im like, early
i like filming like, SOOOOOO much- number one get off for me
wish i got to do it alot more than i do here
so hopefully when i get out to LA and have my new boobs ill have the agent i want and get to work alot, or even without an agent & get to work alot would be really cool too
thanks xpt!
"Should send her our way, XPT could REALLY get her warmed up for any kind of abuse she might get later. "- nugent